🌳 Evergreen
2024/05 - 2024/05
Postman Flows 線上黑客松 第三名
Postman Japan推文
- Type the stock symbol in the Taiwan Stock Market that you want to try. E.g., TSMC (2330).
- Click the run button to run the flow.
- If a warning message shows, click the run button again until it works.
- Check the output, and you will know if you engage in a bed and breakfast deal in the Taiwan Stock Market today, how many family packets of Wei Lih Instant Noodle With Jah Jan Flavour can be exchanged.
- 請輸入您想嘗試的台股代碼。例如:台積電(2330)。
- 點擊執行按鈕,執行Postman Flows。
- 如果出現警告訊息,請再次點擊執行按鈕,直到它正常運行為止。
- 檢查輸出結果,您將知道:如果今天在台股市場進行「隔日沖」,可以賺到/賠掉多少袋家庭號維力炸醬麵?
This flow helps users understand, from a "more relatable, everyday life perspective," how many family packets of Wei Lih Instant Noodle With Jah Jan Flavour can be exchanged for a stock if they engage in a bed and breakfast deal on the Taiwan Stock Market. For example, on 2024/5/21: if the user holds TSMC (2330), they can earn 81 family packets (TSMC’s closing price on 5/21 was 841.00, and on 5/20 it was 835.00, resulting in a NT$6000 gain, with the current price of a family packet of Wei Lih Instant Noodle With Jah Jan Flavour being approximately NT$74, 6000/74 ≒ 81); switching to ADLINK (6166), they would find they could earn 49 family packets; and if they choose Hon Hai (2317), they would lose 20 family packets of Wei Lih Instant Noodle With Jah Jan Flavour. And so on.