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🌳 Evergreen

2024/05 - 2024/05

Postman Flows 線上黑客松 第三名




Postman Japan推文



  1. Type the stock symbol in the Taiwan Stock Market that you want to try. E.g., TSMC (2330).
  2. Click the run button to run the flow.
  3. If a warning message shows, click the run button again until it works.
  4. Check the output, and you will know if you engage in a bed and breakfast deal in the Taiwan Stock Market today, how many family packets of Wei Lih Instant Noodle With Jah Jan Flavour can be exchanged.

  1. 請輸入您想嘗試的台股代碼。例如:台積電(2330)。
  2. 點擊執行按鈕,執行Postman Flows。
  3. 如果出現警告訊息,請再次點擊執行按鈕,直到它正常運行為止。
  4. 檢查輸出結果,您將知道:如果今天在台股市場進行「隔日沖」,可以賺到/賠掉多少袋家庭號維力炸醬麵?

This flow helps users understand, from a "more relatable, everyday life perspective," how many family packets of Wei Lih Instant Noodle With Jah Jan Flavour can be exchanged for a stock if they engage in a bed and breakfast deal on the Taiwan Stock Market. For example, on 2024/5/21: if the user holds TSMC (2330), they can earn 81 family packets (TSMC’s closing price on 5/21 was 841.00, and on 5/20 it was 835.00, resulting in a NT$6000 gain, with the current price of a family packet of Wei Lih Instant Noodle With Jah Jan Flavour being approximately NT$74, 6000/74 ≒ 81); switching to ADLINK (6166), they would find they could earn 49 family packets; and if they choose Hon Hai (2317), they would lose 20 family packets of Wei Lih Instant Noodle With Jah Jan Flavour. And so on.

